Dig in! the game is excellent it fulfills what it promises, just a mission because it is demo. I hope you'll enjoy, Have a good day ! SWAT™ 4 is the next installment of the successful tactical first person shooter franchise. Just like with every important thing in life, presentation matters as much as substance. It didn’t have the name recognition of Rainbow Six, nor the sleek polish of contemporaries like Black (speaking of which, why doesn’t anyone reference Black anymore? 1:39pm.

The New Gameplay Systems of Monster Hunter Rise.

hey you saw it's called SWAT 4 I'm missing four. On the other hand, it does make you think how SWAT 4 would have been seen today if it attracted modders the way other games did. The SWAT series has a long and interesting history. In SWAT 4, the player leads a SWAT tactical element in resolving various situations, such as hostage standoffs or apprehensions of dangerous subjects. SWAT 4 is a tactical first-person shooter video game developed by Irrational Games and published by Vivendi Universal Games on April 5, 2005.